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Attention all Officers in the Department Of Hopeland Security!

Hackers plan to put the 3D Files for the Chubb Airline Restraint key ON THE INTERNET!

The download links are as follows:

STL File for 3D Printer
DXF File for lasercutting

Please make sure to keep these links internal to the department!

For legal reasons everybody who successfully prints or cuts these (or the dutch one linked below) keys is required to send (at least) two prints (they print fast - if you can don't use a raft) by regular mail to the german key printing authorities:

Chaos Computer Club Muenchen
Reprap team
Hessstr. 90
80797 Muenchen
It really would be great if all officers would follow these requirements for quality control and feedback. If you include your e-mail address you might get sent a link with the slides and more stuff.

Archive 2009: RepRapping Keys

Our key in the News...

Optimized version on Thingivers. Try this one first!
Original STL File for the key from 2009

Check this place later after HAR for more updated files and tips for printing this model... Also please let us know from your successes or failures printing it, it needs quite some tuning on the settings of your g-code export to come out perfect...

Update 2009-11-07: Not much news, but I'm working on new keys :) As quite a few people asked: I'll also put up some pictures of my current key on here in the next few days. So far still no "success-reports" other than the FabLab guys though.

Update 2009-09-20: I received first pictures of printed keys from CabFabLab - not on a Reprap but a commercial machine, but still nice, thanks! Using support material they also can print the key horizontally. They'll send me one so I can verify if it actually opens the handcuff...

Keys with support material
The keys alone

Update 2009-09-14: Sorry for no updates so far. It looks like printing this key indeed is difficult, I haven't heared of any real successes on other machines so far. The tricky part is to find the right combination of speed, temperature and material feeding rate.

For my own prints I actually tuned the G-code using vi... Here's the code I currently use to print these keys (it has an improved head part, which is more stable than the one on HAR):
G-Code for current key

So in case you don't really succeed in exporting the key nicely you might want to try out my G-Code. Of course you should tune the temperature (M104) to match your material, and make sure the feeding rate (M108) is about the same as you usually use. I guess that would be the main parameter to tune on, the movement speed of F480.0 seems to be a good choice. For the temperature: the highest value at which the key-head still comes out OK is perfect. At too high temperatures the overhang doesn't hold it's position.

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